Installing CyberPanel on Centos/Almalinux/Rocky/Ubuntu

The CyberPanel is an opensource web hosting control panel. Comparing with the other panels, the major difference is the web server using with this one. There are 2 options, either to the OpenLiteSpeed which is the opensource version of the LiteSpeed web server and also we can select the LiteSpeed Enterprise if needed. 

The installation steps to be done on a Centos  7 based server is described below:

  1. Login to the server as root.
  2. Run a update:
  3. For CentOS/Alma/Rocky:
  4. # yum update -y
  5. For Ubuntu:
  6. # apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  7. Download the installer:
    # wget -O
  8. Correct the permissions and run the script:
    # chmod 755
    # sh
  9. It will ask for 3 options. To install the panel, please select the first option, so type 1 and enter. 
  10. Once the 1st option is selected, it will ask for which web server we need to use. If we need to use OpenLiteSpeed, please choose 1 again.
  11. Then, it will ask for the default admin password to use.

    Either you can specify a password by selecting the option 's' or choose a random password by using the option 'r'
  12. Then it will ask for some yes/no questions regarding some JS, PHP related programs. You can use the options based on your requirements. Once all selected, it will start the installation and it will take 15-20 minutes to complete the same.
  13. Once it is done, you will get the login URL, passwords, etc. The URL will be https://(YOUR_SERVER_IP):8090
  • webhosting, cyberpanel, centos7, almalinux, rockylinux, ubuntu
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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